Friday, July 27, 2012

Picking flowers . . . chosen

     Wild flowers grow in abundance here. Every few weeks the roadside ditches are a changing palette of blues, yellows, whites. A florist friend carries scissors in the car at all times ready to stop and gather "roadsidia" if the creative notion strikes. I love it!

     Looking for a centerpiece for the kitchen table I wandered to the pasture ditch to pick wild daisies. The ditch and field were blanketed - lovely "weeds". I examined each flower, choosing the ones that we ready to burst open and display their beauty, or flowers already open and perfect.

     These would look wonderful in my rustic kitchen! They reminded me of Somer and AJ's wedding. Glasses full of these blossoms graced the dinner tables at the rehearsal. Simple...graceful....

     I bypassed the flowers past their prime. Petals dropped, brown and curled, centers blackened. Not good choices for my table.

     I thought of the Savior - Perfect, maker of perfection, definition of perfection. . . choosing imperfection....

     Why would the creator of all things perfect and lovely choose one who is so unlovely and sinful?  He did not pass me by - ugly, stubborn, dirty, petals dropped, brown and curled. He found me beautiful...worth put on display as his beloved.

    He says to me, "How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! 

Song of Solomon 1:15

    He is grace. All I offer is thanks.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The journey begins....again

I want to record life. Not only the day-to-day events of life, but to capture God in the seemingly mundane, and often overlooked, graces in my day.

Photos. Thoughts. Precious scriptures. Songs. Each speaks of God. Jesus. Holy Spirit. Grace. Love. Peace. Comfort. Sacrifice. Contentment. . . .Vision.

Vision is seeing. I must look to see, but I must stop if I want to really see. Stop. Look deeper.

He is here. Everywhere. I must seek Him and find Him. He promises I will find Him when I seek him with all my heart.

Look carefully. Be very quiet. Still. He tells me I will know . . . if I am still. 

I journey. . . walk through life, days, minutes. Seeing through new, new eyes. 

Thanking You, Lord, for fresh eyes, clearer vision. Let me see YOU!